Following its staggering landslide victory, Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has a mandate for real reform. Still, quick successes are needed to sustai
n political and market momentum. The pro-business former chief minister of Gujarat state should start with infrastructure, tax, and banking.
The central challenge is growth. For the past two years, GDP has expanded by less than 5 percent annually, down from an average of almost 9 percent in the five years before 2008.
That means fewer jobs for the millions of young Indians joining the workforce each year. Employment increased by just 2 million each year between 2010 and 2012, down from 8 million annually in the first five years of the millennium.
Some of the blame lies with fiscal indiscipline, runaway inflation, a wobbly rupee, and cagey foreign investors. But a huge culprit is collapsing investment.
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