Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dr. Harshvardhan on Wednesday said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would be thoroughly rejected by people if they decided to hold a referendum and ask people whether they should make a bid for forming the government with support of Congress or go in for election.
The Aam Aadmi Party has asked lieutenant governor Najeeb Jung not to dissolve the Delhi assembly, although, earlier it had gone to court asking for fresh elections in the capital, and had declared that it had no desire to take support from the Congress.
"People know the AAP very well now. They have been thoroughly exposed. First, they aligned with the corrupt Congress, and then they ran away from their responsibilities, and now, they are thinking of forming their government again with the corrupt Congress. They will be thoroughly rejected," said Harshvardhan.
"Nobody is going to tolerate this in the country. People are watching them very closely. The Congress has been rejected by the people of India for its inefficiency. Now, if AAP join hands with the same Congress, there could not be a worse political action," he said.
"I think the BJP winning all 7 seats in Delhi was also a kind of a referendum by the public. People can't be fooled anymore," he added.
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